Hand-Washing /

Proper Cough Etiquette

Physical Distancing

Thorough Ventilation

Avoidance of the "Three Cs"
(Closed Spaces, Crowds, and Close Contact)

Daily Temperature Checks
Health Checks
Daily Living in Kobe
The effect of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, has dramatically changed our lifestyles. From now on, we need to adapt to new styles of living togther with COVID-19. In order to live a safe and healthy life, it's important to get proper information, and behave accordingly. For concerns or questions, please review the information below.
Hand-Washing /
Proper Cough Etiquette
Physical Distancing
Thorough Ventilation
Avoidance of the "Three Cs"
(Closed Spaces, Crowds, and Close Contact)
Daily Temperature Checks
Health Checks
*Symptoms vary between individuals. Please call immediately if you have severe symptoms. The same applies for those who need to continue taking antiflammatory medications.
Financial aid for university students who have difficulty continuing their studies due to loss of household or part-time job income due to the coronavirus. Students in households exempt from municipal tax may be awarded 200,000 yen, and other students may be awarded 100,000 yen. This financial aid is available to students, includng international students, enrolled at Japanese universities, junior colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, and Japanese language institutions. There are details requirements for this financial aid, so please contact your school for details. Applications may be made via the school at which you are enrolled.
Aside from the above, there are other programs available to international students. Please see here for details.